Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups, or SIGs bring together chapter members who want to explore a common interest in Talent Development. These informal groups are managed by their members and are a benefit of an ATD Golden Gate membership. SIGs come and go according to member interest and have focused in the past few years on Consulting, Career Direction, L&D in Health Care, Technology, 3D Learning and more.

At present we have one SIG, Holistic Learning Design, focusing on moving from designing training courses to creating a culture of learning. See the separate page in this section for more information on the Holistic Learning Design SIG.

Running a SIG takes organization and time but gives you useful experience in managing a group, logistics, leadership, program planning and more. You can configure it to suit your schedule.

If you like the sound of setting up a new SIG and want to discuss what will be involved and what support you will get, please contact the chapter President, Kalenga Stern.