Kalenga is a Talent Development Manager at Eden Housing, Inc – a non-profit organization focused on building and maintaining high quality affordable housing for those in need in the state of California.  As a Talent Development professional, Kalenga has spent the

past 5 years designing and executing leadership development programs for over 70 managers.  Before transitioning into Learning and Development field 5 years ago, she specialized in supply chain management and operations in both the tech and food industries.

In 2021, during our foray into virtual programming, Kalenga took on leadership of the program committee for the chapter and in 2022, she assumed the role of President-Elect.  She is looking forward to helping the chapter grow in numbers and richness as we enter a slightly more normalized period.

Contact Kalenga at



Terry brings over 20 years of Management and Organizational Development experience to the chapter. She is currently Director of Systemwide Career and Development Programs at The University of California Office of the President, a role that has taught her the true importance of collaboration and partnership. As a past Chapter President, Terry is happy to reprise her role as “temporary CFO”, which she has held for several years.

Terry’s superpower is connection.  Whether she is connecting people to each other or to new concepts, Terry sees how people and ideas are more similar than different and helps others see that too.  In her various leadership roles, Talent Development was always a focus, and you might even say she is “in the family business”, hailing from a long line of educators, coaches and consultants. Terry holds a Master of Science degree in Management and Organizational Development, which she earned from the University of San Francisco and is an Adjunct Faculty member at Chabot College. Terry is an active member of several community groups and is a contributing author in the book Savvy Leadership Strategies for Women.

You can contact Terry at


VP, Programming: PAUL ANJESKI

In June of 2023, Paul started his 50th year active in the field of Talent Development. A long-time National ATD Member, this is his fourth ATD Chapter (Madison WI, Wash DC & San Diego). He has been instrumental in the design and implementation of professional development programs for groups as varied as ships’ crews, medical professionals, elected government officials, government staff, a statewide teachers union, first-time managers and teams of trainers. Serving populations ranging from international to local, organizations of 130,000 + to 15, as a department of one up to a team of 35. Delivering or coordinating the delivery in-person, virtual (classroom, webinar, radio, podcast) or asynchronous (e-learning, correspondence course, forums, videos}. Coordinating multi-day conferences on distance learning, suicide prevention, alcohol studies, and Union staff development.

Reach out to Paul if you have ideas or suggestions for programs or events. Or, if you are interested in being part of the team that develops and implements them for ATD Golden Gate. We are better together!

You can contact Terry at


VP, Membership: BRUCE GROSS

A long-time member of ATD-GG, Bruce previously served in this role, as well as the role of Secretary, member of the valuable activities of the Community Outreach Program, and co-leader/founder of the 3D Learning SIG. He attributes these volunteer activities and participant/learner at many programs, as having benefited him both professionally and personally, gaining additional knowledge and fresh ideas that enriched his own work as he gained meaningful, long-lasting friendships with colleagues.

Bruce’s career in Training began with developing instructional workbooks and videos. The knowledge and skills from that work led to a Senior Trainer position at a company for over 14 years, providing training to all levels of management on leadership, team building, communication, and related topics.

Contact Bruce at


National Liaison: LEENA MENDOZA
Leena Mendoza is the visionary Founder of Intentional Leadership, an acclaimed hub of transformation and excellence in the realms of executive coaching and business consulting. With over two decades of experience spanning non-profit, government, higher education, and Fortune 500 sectors, Leena brings a wealth of wisdom and expertise to her role as a trusted guide for entrepreneurial and business leaders.

Leena became a chapter member in August 2022 to expand her knowledge around talent development and L&D. After a few months with the Golden Gate Chapter, she re-launched the in-person Meetup group in South San Jose with Paul Anjeski and Merica McNeil. In May 2023, she joined ATD National to become a power member and get more involved. As she continues to build partnerships, visibility and connections, it would seem fitting for her to serve as the National Liaison for the Golden Gate Chapter where she will connect with National Leaders as well as our local Chapter.

Contact Leena at


Core Team Leader – North Bay Geographical Interest Group (GIG): PAUL ANJESKI

Paul Anjeski is a longtime chapter member and has served in a variety of leadership roles including President. He has been on the leadership team of both the South Bay and North Bay Geographic Interest Groups (GIG) as his career has led him to work both in San Jose and Santa Rosa since arriving in the Bay Area in 2011. In 2021 he introduced the monthly Chapter TED Circles, now TED Discussions. A National ATD Member, this is his fourth ATD Chapter (Madison WI, Wash DC & San Diego).
Paul retired in June of 2023 and remains active in the L&D community coaching, mentoring, and supporting the next generation of practitioners. He has extensive experience in government (Federal, County & Municipal), healthcare delivery, and administration (Medicare, Kaiser Permanente, Naval Hospitals in Bethesda MD, and the Philippines). A retired Naval Officer he served at sea (Pacific theatre), in Europe (Spain), Asia (Philippines), and stateside (San Francisco, San Diego, Wash DC, Madison, WI). While he has worked with Boards, CEOs and Leadership teams his passion is developing frontline supervisors and individual contributors.
A former certified USSF soccer referee Paul also maintains his culinary skills by preparing mouthwatering paellas for family and friends.

Contact Paul at


Core Team Leader – East Bay Geographical Interest Group (GIG): TINA TUMA

Tina is a forward-thinking strategic partner who has advised leadership on evolving priorities and provided subject matter expertise in Communications, Learning & Development, Human Resources, and Change Management. She has experience in architecting communications strategy, learning and development programs, and change management plans for multiple projects in the technology, biotech, non profit, and the health care industries.

Tina was a long time member of ASTD and then recently rejoined ATD in June of 2022. After a few months, she launched the East Bay GIG and looks forward to serving the East Bay Talent community.

In addition to the ATD Golden Gate chapter, Tina is involved in IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) and NorCal German Shorthair Pointer Rescue organizations.

Contact TINA at



SIG Leader – Holistic Learning Design Special Interest Group: RENÉE REMY.

Renée Remy’s goal is to enhance critical thinking skills and ensure learning continues outside the formal learning environment. As a lifelong educator, Renée has worked at all levels of academia, in addition to over 20 years in corporate settings. She has created training programs in everything from proprietary software to English as a Second Language.

Currently Renée helps L&D professionals create greater fulfillment, satisfaction and happiness in their lives, by clarifying the impact they want to have on the world, and supporting them in creating a plan for self-actualization through her coaching and training company Dovetail Education.

Renée holds a M.Ed in Design and Development of Educational Programs from Stanford University. She is a neuroscience-based, Results Certified Coach; John Maxwell Certified Coach, Facilitator, and Speaker; and Positive Intelligence Coach. In addition, she has completed training in many disciplines including the Enneagram, NeuroLinguistic Programming, and Emotional Intelligence,

Contact Renée at


SIG Co-Leader – ILTE Immersive Learning Talent Experience Special Interest Group: BRUCE GROSS.

Bruce Gross was drawn to Virtual Immersive Environments for training while attending a Golden Gate Chapter program in 2010. He found these environments useful for creating both, synchronous and asynchronous trainings. Plus it showed itself to be ideal for a very cost-effective solution for organizations. He received his Certification in 3D Virtual Worlds from the University of Washington from 2012

An active chapter member, serving on the Board, a lead member of the Community Outreach Program and co-leading the first 3D Learning SIG until until 2017 when he relocated to Phoenix, AZ where he free-lances and collaborates on training projects with using 3D Environments.

Bruce rejoined the chapter from afar in the Spring of 2021 in order to start up the 3D Learning SIG again, with co-leader Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa. They hope to share with ATD Members how to engage audiences while training remotely. Since retiring in June of 2017, Bruce has continued to develop projects using 3D environments and to speak and demonstrate ways to use them for training.  He is currently working on a contract to bring a university’s online training into a 3D world.   [Bruce has now also re-committed his chapter involvement by taking on the Membership VP role – see above].

Contact Bruce at


SIG Co-Leader – ILTE Immersive Learning Talent Experience Special Interest Group: CARLA KINCAID-YOSHIKAWA.

Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa works as a Training and Development Consultant in a wide range of industries and sectors. With an MA in Organization Development, she has designed, developed and facilitated training on leadership development, strategic planning, change management, new hire orientation, sexual harassment, and stress management, as well as software navigation and organization-specific processes and procedures.

Curiosity about how people learn, change and grow has been an important catalyst for her ongoing work in Learning and Development, and led to her interest in 3D platforms for learning and development: She was introduced to 3D games while recuperating from an injury and immediately saw their significant capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of learning programs. She co-chaired the 3D SIG (with Bruce Gross, above) several years ago and and is now again co-leading this SIG. She believes it is important for Learning and Development professionals to understand the benefits, capabilities and impacts of a wide array of learning formats, and how each can be utilized to maximize learning effectiveness.

Contact Carla at


SIG Co-Leader – ILTE Immersive Learning Talent Experience Special Interest Group: YOGINI JOGLEKAR.

Yogini Joglekar is a lifelong learner and learning professional with twenty years of international experience in corporate training as well as business education. Her research/ practice areas are communication, change leadership, intercultural competence, and emerging instructional technologies including VR and AR. She is COO at Edstutia. Edstutia is an award-winning VR learning platform with one of the world’s first fully immersive campuses designed for leadership and interpersonal skills training.

Contact Yogini at


SIG Co-Leader – ILTE Immersive Learning Talent Experience Special Interest Group: RENU RAMAKRISHNAN.

Renu Ramakrishnan’s multifaceted career has taken her from marketing well known consumer brands to designing and delivering educational programs, and facilitating corporate training sessions in the areas of Communication, Leadership and Intercultural Management to diverse and geographically dispersed groups. She deeply values experiential and immersive learning, collaboration, and nurturing relationships; and as Client Services and Learning Experiences Lead at Edstutia, develops XR enhanced learning programs and works with corporate clients and individual learners in their unique and enriching learning journeys using Virtual Reality. She is currently based in the San Francisco Bay area.

Contact Renu at


Administrative Manager: JESSICA LEVANT.

Jessica has been the Golden Gate Chapter’s Administrative Manager since early in this millennium, managing the chapter website and programming announcements, and for the past dozen years or so, handling the admin side of events and membership as well.

Her background is in leadership and organization development in New York and London where she was highly active in leadership roles in both ASTD (now ATD) and its British equivalent, IPD, where she was a Fellow in the institute and Chair of the London Branch. Since retiring from that career after moving back to hometown San Francisco, she has focused on more visual pursuits, particularly websites, digital graphics, photo art, and mixed media abstract painting, as well as being an avid jazz supporter.

She is always happy to hear from any members or prospective members about anything relevant to the Golden Gate Chapter.

Contact Jessica at