Our career coaches specialize in reviewing résumés and providing personalized feedback to help you stand out. Our coaches know what employers are looking for and will help you market yourself as a talent development professional. They focus on reviewing your grammar, writing clarity, formatting, optimizing keywords, and giving suggestions for language that fits the talent development industry. While they will not write your resume, they will review what you already have and give detailed feedback for improvements.


A well-written résumé is vital to landing your dream job. Our résumé review service will help you create an impactful document that stands out from the rest. Your coach can help you achieve your talent development career goals by providing personalized feedback and suggestions to improve your résumé in this field. Note: The coaches will only help you with your résumé; they will not review any cover letters. Our résumé review process is outlined below.

Résumé Review Process

  1. Add the résumé review service to your cart here, and check out.
  2. After you check out, you will receive an email with a link to a form. It will ask you a few questions to understand your career goals and have you upload some documents. You will upload your résumé to that google form. When submitting your résumé, submit it in the format you want back (either a Google document or a Word Document). You must also upload 1-3 job descriptions of roles you want to apply to.
  3. Once the form submission has been received, your coach will review it within 5 business days. Once the review is done, you will be emailed a link to set up an appointment for a 45-minute video call with your career transition coach.
  4. The coach will track changes and send you a copy of the suggestions before your scheduled appointment. You will review the recommendations at the meeting, and the coach can answer any questions. After the meeting, the coach will send back any additional changes or suggestions derived from the discussion.
  5. If you want to accept any changes and suggestions, you are welcome to email back a final copy of your resume to your career coach within two weeks of your video call. They will give it a last look over it, add any final suggestions, and send it back to your email before concluding the work you have done together.

Pricing for résumé review is:

Member $50
Non-member $65
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